Monday, September 10, 2012

CURB APPEAL-To View or Not to View that is the QUESTION

Curb Appeal is how your home looks from the front curb, and is generally understood to mean that the yard and house are well-maintained and cared for.

Curb Appeal has been featured on shows such as HGTV, DIY network, and others.  Most buyers and sellers know about “Curb Appeal." but what really does it represent psychologically to a prospective buyer?

No Curb Appeal
Great Curb Appeal is inviting to a large percentage of the population.  It invokes a feeling of interest through positive emotions the buyers experience when viewing the outside of a home.  The underlying positive feelings come from the buyers seeing a home that has been well maintained through clean and presentable landscaping which includes having the lawn mowed, the shrubs trimmed, the yard edges are neat, and flower beds which have fresh mulch.

Additional Curb Appeal could include the house paint is in good condition, the porch railings and floors are maintained, and the front door is clean and painted.  The front walkways and porches are swept to remove dirt. 

All of these things ensure your house looks good from the street. They can keep it from being eliminated as a choice. But, what can you do to make your house even more enticing to potential buyers? 

Here are some additional tips to evoke a WELCOME feeling to those prospective buyers within minutes of seeing your home-whether they are driving by a neighborhood or looking at images or photos of your home on the internet.

  • Add plants to the front entry way.  Making sure they are well maintained.
  • Create symmetry at your front door.  Science has determined that people are attracted to symmetry.  It creates a feeling of balance and evokes positive thoughts.
  •  Add outdoor furniture like a chair with a pillow or a bench and some books.  The idea is to create in the prospective buyers mind-"Wow this is a place I would like to relax."
  • Update old and out of date fixtures and make sure they are in proper working order.  Let the buyer know you care about your house-right down to the littlest detail-the doorbell."
  • Replace or paint your front door.  Paint gives a fresh look and is budget friendly.
  • Include good-quality outside shots of your house on the MLS/FSBO listings. Dawn or early twilight photos show the house in a different light, literally and figuratively. It’s warmer and more inviting than direct sunlight. Determine how your house is position to get best light. If the front is west-facing, twilight is great. If it’s east-facing, dawn is perfect. If it's north or south-facing, try early twilight.
REMEMBER A picture is worth a thousand words.  Your home's Curb Appeal conveys a great deal in the first few seconds to a prospective buyer. 

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